Interreg Italy – Slovenia Programme: cooperation day 2022

On 21st September 2022, an event organized by the Interreg IT-SI Programme was held in Trieste to celebrate the European Day of Cooperation 2022. The event was an opportunity to learn about the results of territorial cooperation achieved so far and to discuss future collaboration initiatives for the 2021-2027 programming period.

Third MOVEO event held in Florence

The third appointment of the cycle of meetings with mobility and logistics stakeholders, promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, was held on 17th July 2022 to discuss intermodality in support of sustainable and competitive logistics. The discussion focused, this time, on cities and on future challenges for sustainable mobility of both goods […]

FORTIS project: presentation of the Memorandum of Understanding promoted by CEI

On 14th July 2022, CEI presented the MoU promoted in the framework of the FORTIS project, funded by the Italy-Slovenia Interreg Programme. The MoU is aimed at promoting the implementation of an integrated ticket between Trieste and Ljubljana, with the aim of increasing the use of sustainable, cross-border and efficient mobility services.

Second MOVEO event held in Naples

The second appointment of the cycle of meetings with mobility and logistics stakeholders, promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, was held on 13rd July 2022 to discuss intermodality in support of sustainable and competitive logistics. Five working tables were set up, including one dedicated to modal change in which incentives and regulation […]

FORTIS project: final conference in Trieste

The final conference of the FORTIS project, funded by the Italy-Slovenia Interreg Programme, took place in Trieste on the 7th July 2022. During the event, the main results of the project and the point of view of the most relevant stakeholders were presented in the framework of two round tables, respectively on the theme of […]

Support to IFEL within the BLUE CROWFUNDING project

The support activity for IFEL for the implementation of the BLUE CROWFUNDING project, funded by the Interreg MED Program, ended on 30th June 2022.As part of the project, we held a cycle of six meetings aimed at officials of the Campania Region, in which, starting from the general context of the blue economy and its […]

FRAMESPORT project: PSC and technical meeting in Bari

The fifth PSC and technical meeting of the FRAMESPORT project, funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Program, was held in Bari on 23rd and 24th June.The meeting, organized by ASSET and CMCC, was an opportunity to analyse the progress of project activities and discuss important technical issues in view of the last year of activity.

INTERCONNECT PLUS: final project conference

The final conference of the INTERCONNECT PLUS project took place online on the 22nd of June. We had the pleasure of moderating it on behalf of CEI, partner of the project, funded by the Interreg ADRION Program.The event also included a round table in which the most relevant stakeholders presented their point of view and […]

Meeting of the working group of the Mediterranean Corridor in Barcelona

On 9th June 2022 the working group of the Mediterranean corridor met in Barcelona, with a particular focus on passenger transport.The event, organized by the European Commission in collaboration with the Generalitat de Catalunya, saw the participation of the coordinator of the Corridor, Mrs. Iveta Radičová, and a large group of stakeholders, representing the most […]