CROSSMOBY project: third and last round table with local stakeholders

On February 24, 2022, the third round table of CROSSMOBY (Interreg Italia-Slovenia Programme) was held in virtual mode, with the aim of presenting the joint results and first elaborations carried out through the CROSSMOBY information platform, as well as gathering feedback and suggestions of the main stakeholders with respect to potential solutions in support of […]

FORTIS project: project meeting in virtual mode

On April 12, 2022, the fifth FORTIS project meeting was held, funded by the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Programme. The meeting, held in virtual mode, was an opportunity to discuss the main administrative, financial and technical issues and launch the last phase of the project, which will close in August 2022 with the final project conference organized […]

Rail-road terminals at the center of the event organized by Interporto Padova

On 8th April 2022 we participated to “Interporti al Centro”, an event organized by “Unione Interporti Riuniti” (UIR) and Interporto Padova Spa at the new congress center of the Padua fair. The event represented a precious opportunity to underline the importance of rail-road terminals’ network within the Italian intermodal infrastructure and an essential element for […]

FRAMESPORT project: study visit to the touristic small ports of FVG and Veneto

The activities of the FRAMESPORT strategic project, funded by the Interreg Italy – Croatia Programme, are continuously fed by new interesting networking opportunities. In fact, on 5 and 6 April we organized a study visit to the Marina Uno tourist port in Lignano and to the Marina Fiorita tourist ports in Cavallino Treporti (VE) and […]

With CAV and the Veneto Region at the “LET EXPO” Fair in Verona

On March 18, 2022, as part of the LET EXPO fair organized by ALIS (Associazione Logistica dell’Intermodalità Sostenibile), we helped moderate the event “Logistic Developments and Connected and Sustainable Infrastructures“. During the morning, participants had the opportunity to discuss the current opportunities and challenges faced by the sector, as well as future initiatives to be […]

CROSSMOBY project: final event in Trieste

The joint final event of the CROSSMOBY and BIKE NAT projects, financed respectively by the Interreg Italy-Slovenia and Italy-Austria Programs, was held on the 25th of November in Trieste. Thanks to the several opportunities for discussion with stakeholders of the territory, CROSSMOBY led to the development and testing of new ways of planning sustainable transport […]

Visit by the coordinator of the Baltic-Adriatic corridor, Ms. Anne Jensen

On the 10th and 11th November 2021, the coordinator of the Baltic-Adriatic corridor of the TEN-T network, Ms. Anne Jensen, visited the core nodes of the Veneto Region. During the visit, organized as part of the “8th Dialogue on interoperability, interconnectivity and innovation”, Ms. Jensen had the opportunity to get a first-hand experience of the […]

National partner dialogue of Interreg Central Europe 21-27

On Tuesday 30th June and Thursday 2 July 2020 moderating the working group on priority Nr. 3 of the Programme “A more connected central Europe through cooperation” and on the Specific Objective “Connecting Central European regions to EU transport corridor” within the “NATIONAL PARTENR DIALOGUE” promoted by Veneto Region and Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme. AGENDA_CE