INTERCONNECT PLUS: final project conference

The final conference of the INTERCONNECT PLUS project took place online on the 22nd of June. We had the pleasure of moderating it on behalf of CEI, partner of the project, funded by the Interreg ADRION Program.The event also included a round table in which the most relevant stakeholders presented their point of view and […]

Meeting of the working group of the Mediterranean Corridor in Barcelona

On 9th June 2022 the working group of the Mediterranean corridor met in Barcelona, with a particular focus on passenger transport.The event, organized by the European Commission in collaboration with the Generalitat de Catalunya, saw the participation of the coordinator of the Corridor, Mrs. Iveta Radičová, and a large group of stakeholders, representing the most […]

Final conference of the SMACKER project

The final conference of the SMACKER project, co-funded by the Interreg Central Europe Programme, was held in Vienna on 24th May. This was the opportunity to discuss smart mobility and flexible on-demand transport (DRT) solutions and the important impact that these can have on the efficiency of mobility in peripheral areas of Central Europe, as […]

The FRAMESPORT project at the Venice Boat Show 2022

On May 30, the partners of the FRAMESPORT project, co-financed by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme, took part in the “Blue Digital Strategies” workshop, organized as a side event of the Venice Boat Show 2022, in the beautiful setting of the Venice Arsenal. After a brief presentation of the project’s main information and activities, the attention […]

FRAMESPORT hosted in Ancona by the ECOMAP project

On May 20th, a few partners of the FRAMESPORT project had the pleasure of briefly presenting the project as part of a capitalization and cross-fertilization event organized in Ancona by ECOMAP, a project that, like FRAMESPORT, is co-financed by the Interreg Italia program -Croatia. In particular, Chiara Mistelli, representing the Municipality of Monfalcone, provided an […]

NEWBRAIN PLUS project: stakeholder meeting and project event

On 19th May the partners of the NEWBRAIN PLUS project, co-financed by the Interreg ADRION Programme, met in Ancona to discuss the strategic approaches and priorities to be put in place for the future funding opportunities within the framework of the new concept of the European Maritime Space and Motorways of the Sea. Thanks to […]

ESPORG Workshop at the Gorizia rail-road terminal

The workshop organized by ESPORG and Interporto di Gorizia – SDAG S.p.A was held on 12th May at the Gorizia RRT, with the aim of highlighting once again the importance of developing safe parking lots for heavy vehicles to support the national and international transport network. Important updates on these issues, as well as recent […]

E-SMART Project at the Next Generation Mobility event

In the framework of the Next Generation Mobility event, which took place in Turin from 3 to 5 May 2022, interesting seminars, conferences and meetings took place with the aim of promoting a dialogue between experts and non-experts of the sector to shape the future of sustainable mobility. In this context, we moderated one of […]

Deadline of the first CEF 2 call for proposals (2021-2027)

January 19th was the deadline for the presentation of project proposals under the first new call for proposals of the CEF 2021-2027 Program. It was a great challenge that required a great deal of effort, but thanks to the excellent network we were able to contribute to the submission of 7 project proposals, for a […]