Presentation at the “Environmental e-Roads: integrated adaptive ecosystems” event

On 15 December in Venice, as part of the ongoing support to CAV S.p.A., we participated to the “Environmental e-Roads: integrated adaptive ecosystems” event with a speech dedicated to presenting the characteristics and functionalities of the European Union’s support to the development of infrastructure and mobility along the TEN-T networks, with particular reference to the […]
Rail-road terminals at the center of the event organized by Interporto Padova

On 8th April 2022 we participated to “Interporti al Centro”, an event organized by “Unione Interporti Riuniti” (UIR) and Interporto Padova Spa at the new congress center of the Padua fair. The event represented a precious opportunity to underline the importance of rail-road terminals’ network within the Italian intermodal infrastructure and an essential element for […]
Cycle of lessons for the “Higher Technician of Logistics and Intermodal Transport” course of the Adriatic Nautical Academy

On 24, 25 March and 1 April, as part of the professional course “Higher Technician of Logistics and Intermodal Transport” of the Adriatic Nautical Academy, an in-depth course was held on the opportunities deriving from European structural funds in the field of transport and logistics. After a brief but intense presentation of the principles underlying […]
With CAV and the Veneto Region at the “LET EXPO” Fair in Verona

On March 18, 2022, as part of the LET EXPO fair organized by ALIS (Associazione Logistica dell’Intermodalità Sostenibile), we helped moderate the event “Logistic Developments and Connected and Sustainable Infrastructures“. During the morning, participants had the opportunity to discuss the current opportunities and challenges faced by the sector, as well as future initiatives to be […]
Seminar in the course Economics and management of transport companies (UNIGE) of Prof. Remondino

On the 20th of April 2021, an in-depth seminar was held on the role played by infrastructural nodes in the development of the intermodal transport network, as part of the “Economics and management of transport companies” course by Prof. Remondino of the three-year degree in “Economics of Maritime Companies, Logistics and Transport”. The seminar then […]
European programming and structural funds: lesson in the framework of the course on Technology and Industrial Research for Marine Mobility (TRIM)

On the 25th of June 2021, Studioballarin presented the topic of European programming and structural funds available for the development of transport and mobility as part of the module of Prof. Remondino (UNIGE) within the Technology and Industrial Research for Marine Mobility (TRIM) course, which is organized with the cooperation of the National Research Council. Link to the TRIM website

Research fellow for the Management department of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, scientific partner and WP Leader of MIMOSA project (“Maritime and multimodal sustainable passenger transport solutions and services”) financed by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme 2014-2020. Study and research enhancing the multimodal offer for passenger transport within the Programme area. VISIT WEBSITE

Within the FIT4CO project, financed by the Interreg Italia-Austria Programme 2014-2020, EGTC Euregio Senza Confini r.l. realized several training moments dedicated to local administrators and institutional stakeholders as to enhance their knowledge on cooperation initiatives as well as to define project opportunities according to their specific needs. VISIT WEBSITE

Over the years, several thesis were coordinated also at master course level as co-supervisor for different Italian universities (Padua and Bologna in particular).