Since 2009 Studioballarin is developing projects and initiatives mainly in the field of infrastructures, transport, environment, mobility and logistics with the main aim of exploiting – trough dedicated solutions – the financial opportunities available thanks to different Programmes at local, national and European level.
Fuelling ideas and projects.
“Get a good idea and stay with it. Do it, and work at it until it’s done right” (Walt Disney)
Designing solutions with the aim of safeguarding environment.
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better” (Albert Einstein)
Transferring knowledge and experience it is a really satisfying challenge.
“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think” (Socrate)
Andrea Ballarin
He studied environmental and economic themes at the University of Padova and started working as consultant in 2009, delivering studies and projects dedicated to implement the design and realization of infrastructures, environmental and mobility topics. Since then, he contributed to raise for public and private companies over 99 million euro of funds corresponding to more than 273 million euros project’s value.
Stay tuned
Some of the latest news related to undergoing activities. Click there or contact us to have some further information.

Event organized by CEI, FVG, and EUSAIR on energy transition in the port sector held in Trieste
On November 28, 2024, the event “Connecting the Adriatic-Ionian Region through Advanced Technology and Training for the Energy Transition in the Port Sector” took place
PORT OF THE FUTURE: CFLI event in Venice
On July 4, 2024, the event “Port of the Future”, organized by CFLI (Center for Logistics and Intermodal Training), took place in Venice. This was

Visit to the Hupac terminal in Busto Arsizio
On 26 September 2023 a visit to the Hupac Group terminal in Busto Arsizio took place involving Interporto Pordenone S.p.A. The purpose of the meeting