The joint final event of the CROSSMOBY and BIKE NAT projects, financed respectively by the Interreg Italy-Slovenia and Italy-Austria Programs, was held on the 25th of November in Trieste.
Thanks to the several opportunities for discussion with stakeholders of the territory, CROSSMOBY led to the development and testing of new ways of planning sustainable transport services in cross-border areas, both through a dedicated Action Plan and the support to local authorities for the development adoption and implementation of SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans). The strategic nature of activities and expertise developed within the project lifetime not only were recognized by the second place obtained in the framework of the Interreg Project Slam 2021 but were also outlined in the book “Crossborder transport and mobility in the EU (issues and state of the art)” (available in english/italian/slovenian here), which brings together different contributions on the matter.
During the two round tables held within the final event, stakeholders were able to confirm the importance of transnational cooperation projects such as these that lead to concrete results for the community, thus confirming their interest in developing new project proposals within the new programming period 2021-2027.