The FRAMESPORT project was present at the ECOMONDO international fair, which was held in Rimini from 8th to 11th November 2022. More specifically, FRAMESPORT shared a stand with two other strategic projects of the Italy-Croatia Programme dedicated to the development of transport in the reference area: MIMOSA and SUSPORT.
Furthermore, the project took part in the event “Regeneration of coastal areas and ports and adaptation to climate change” held on 8th November, in which the director of CORILA, Ing. Campostrini, presented FRAMESPORT, its objectives and actions developed so far.
Finally, the project partners and the stakeholders invited for the occasion took part in the workshop “The FRAMESPORT project: towards a strategy for the sustainable development of small ports in the Adriatic”, organized on 11th November. During the event , the methodology for the development of the final strategy for Adriatic small ports was presented, with the aim of obtaining the feedback of the stakeholders invited to the interesting round table that closed the meeting.